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The whole set of 3D models of ex-vivo dissection
The whole set of cortical and subcortical annotations for each 3D dissection model
The whole set of bundles connected to Angular Gyrus
The whole set of 3D models of ex-vivo dissection
The whole set of cortical and subcortical annotations for each 3D dissection model
The whole set of bundles connected to Angular Gyrus
I have read and accept the terms and condition stated in License Agreement,
and in Terms of use,
The whole set of 3D models of ex-vivo dissection
The whole set of cortical and subcortical annotations for each 3D dissection model
The whole set of bundles connected to Angular Gyrus
The whole set of 3D models of ex-vivo dissection
The whole set of cortical and subcortical annotations for each 3D dissection model
The whole set of bundles connected to Angular Gyrus
The data of BraDiPho models are distributed under the
Creative Commons license BY-NC-SA 4.0. You are free to
copy, transform, build upon these data and redistribute under the following terms: (BY) Attribution - You must
give appropriate credit and provide a link to the license; (NC) Non Commercial -You may not use the material
for commercial purpose; (SA) Share Alike - You must distribute data derivatives under the same license as the
The full terms of the license are available here: